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rock and roll means fuck "In the world which is upside down, the true is a moment of the false." |
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![]() Monday, March 31, 2003 "they're just humans with wives and children...." posted by downtown | 4:08 AM Friday, March 28, 2003 i know have been all about the war thing as of late. i can't help it. i fear that it is consuming me. it's all i feel i can think about and all i feel i should talk about. am i spending way too much time reading foreign press and listening to the bbc before i finally fall asleep? undoubtedly. i'm workin' on it. all i want to know right now is, ten years from now, will i be able to point to one thing, one single, solitary thing, that i can say about what is being told to the american public about this war and the previous buildup/propaganda campaign that was true? just one goddamned thing. we are awash in a sea of lies, obfuscations and bluster. it's more than sick. it's evil and treasonous. we impeached bill for a hummer (or two). we'll put this lying, chickenhawk sack of shit on mt rushmore. have we lost our collective/national mind? think about it. rocking: the white stripes "in the cold, cold night" feeling: lost in this culture, in california. posted by downtown | 1:50 AM Tuesday, March 25, 2003 just when you thought it couldn't get any weirder, any more absurd... ...this guy comes along. now we're shippin' his ass to iraq. splendid... listening to: the white stripes "seven nation army" very loud, at work. posted by downtown | 1:22 PM Sunday, March 23, 2003 this whole war just makes me feel ugly and dirty . ya know, i have family in the UK now and a passport burnin' a whole in my pocket... posted by downtown | 2:57 AM Friday, March 21, 2003 some more howlers and one very scary dispatch. 1. the FBI finds a very old copy of the bill of rights commisioned by george washington himself. i mean the ironies here are almost too easy to take a shot at. wow. i wonder if they paused long enough to read it before they ripped it to fucking shreds. 2. when will the bushies stop trying to bullshit us? i mean really. it's demeaning. call me crazy, but i expected more from the man (s)elected to return "dignity" to the office. 3. i am glad to see that our elected "leaders" (i use the term very loosely) have the time on their hands to rename such things as fried potatoes and breakfast foods. nice work, idiots. and finally.... 4. herr scalia believes that the freedoms we enjoy "go way beyond what the constitution requires" (an actual quote, dear reader) and can easily be rolled back in wartime. ain't that just peachy? who the fuck is this guy and how did he come to sit on the highest court in the land? if you thought our current shitstorm couldn't get more orwellian.... fuck! i need a drink. posted by downtown | 8:57 PM who said war ain't good for business? here's an idea. let's make it bad, real bad for business. fuck 'em all. my god, i love this guy. check out his latest here and here. posted by downtown | 4:57 PM your tax dollars at work. anyone feel safer yet? "don't breathe the air today!..." posted by downtown | 1:37 PM oh, christ. i think i'm gonna get sick. i am so ashamed. i fear history will not be kind to us, not kind at all. posted by downtown | 1:12 PM well, this is it. apparently today is "a-day". the day where we unleash the "shock and awe" upon the unfortunate citizens of baghdad, half of whom are children. makes you proud to be an american, doesn't it? i know i'm swelling with a certain sick patriotic pride right now. actually, i feel quite ill, quite sad for my country. plus: even a jaded lefty such as myself couldn't make this shit up. apparently mr shrubya, just prior to his address to the nation wed night, was seen pumping his fist and exclaiming "feels good!" could it get any more "strangelove"? methinks it can and certainly will. we're all going to hell. posted by downtown | 12:54 PM Thursday, March 20, 2003 a message to both bush and saddam: fascist warmongers suck. i hope you both go to hell. posted by downtown | 10:06 AM Thursday, March 13, 2003 oh well. i've so neglected this space as of late. much is afoot in RRMF-ville. i've been fasting. i've lost quite a bit of weight, especially around my face. i actually bought some new clothes for the first time in forever, a new pair o' chucks, too. i've a lot to say as regards our seemingly destructive and headlong rush in to an unprovoked "war" against iraq. few rants could be more reasoned or effective than the one delivered by brady keisling in his resignation letter where he refers to our current state of affairs as, "a selfish, superstitious empire thrashing toward self-destruction in the name of a doomed status quo?" but i'll be brief. i'll save major ranting for next week. i'll just leave the subject like this: don't believe a goddamned thing you are being told right now. these people will do, say or kill anything to get this war. anything. they have exaggerated, stretched the truth, falsified materials and outright lied for months now and it keeps getting uglier. anyone unfortunate enough to endure last week's"press conference" probably understands what i am talking about. they are evil motherfuckers and bad shit is afoot. 'nuff said. anyhoo, i'm off to nyc for 4 days of gaelic themed mayhem. tomorrow night we rock the mercury lounge for the big irish rock revue wing ding . lots o' guinness and a healthy, old fashioned " reinforcin' o' the stereotypes" . sounds like a hoot. i hope this to be a proper kick off to a weekend filled with, as i said in an earlier post, " gotham-scale debauchery". i have been so good the past few weeks. i've been eating well (when i eat at all) and with one exception last weekend, not drinking at all. i think i have earned the right to go to the big city and get the fuck down. i plan to see some friends, kick it in my old 'hood, show off some new duds, make eyes at strangers and consume culture and booze untill i can't see straight. i may even dance. wish me luck! posted by downtown | 6:59 PM Wednesday, March 05, 2003 i haven't posted in a bit. i've been way busy and the whole fasting thing tends to focus the mind on other things such as this: a friend, a school teacher, recently returned from baghdad where she visited an iraqi school. those students wrote letters to her students. here are some of those letters. i have to admit that when i read these for the first time i was really overwhelmed. i read them at work and a few made me cry right there in my office. all of them, to me, illustrate just how absolutely insane this whole predicament has become. this is madness and it needs to be labeled as such. these are letters from children who live in a city that is perhaps days away from something the pentagon calls "shock and awe" . this is what we have become. we have become a country that can and apparently will launch an unprovoked, pre-emptive war on a city of 5 million, half of which are children. and we wonder why the rest of the world thinks we are insane. here are some of the letters: The Bird of Peace [drawing of a bird with a flower in its beak] Al-Adamia Preparatory School for Girls Baghdad, Iraq March 3, 2003 Dear American Student, I am Sara ... I live in Baghdad and I want to live in peace here ... and I am 17 years old. So I don't know what I say. I am very sad and I am very confused. I like you to understand me what I want to say, and you have to forgive me because my English language is not good ... but I hope you understand my pain ... Just my tear could describe my pain ... I love you very very much because you want to help Iraqi children ... I want to be your friend ... I'm so sorry again for my English language is bad ... I'm so sorry. Yours, Sara Amer [drawing of a flower] This flower is for you Dear America Students, I send this message to any one of you to know us (Iraqi pupil) as it should be! I really glad to make a friendship with the U.S.A. student. My name is Sarab and I'm 17 years old and I have no mother because she died in cancer last year... So I think this friendship will help me to get out from this sadness that I'm gonna through... I hope I met someone of you face to face and to still friends forever... What I hope is our problems solve... In fact I really love American people from all my heart. I swear it's true... I wish I can visit America and see you and you have to promise me that we will be a friends forever and ever. I like dogs and I have one. It's german shepherd dog, his name is Bone... Tell me what you like, like I do... I love Backstreet Boys, specially (A.J.) I feel we'll contact with each other so in the second time tell me what you like to know you better. Yours, Sarab Friendship forever [inside a heart]. Keep in touch and don't forget me... your friend, Sarab Taha El-Anne Dear Friends in U.S., My name is Hiba Monther. I would like to tell you that I want to be like any people in the world. Well, I live with my family and from my house watch T.V. and read many books about the nature. Write to me and tell me about your feeling about this world. And I want to tell you that every night when I saw the moon and I feel that I am one of the stars in the sky. Best wishes to you and your family, Hiba Monther, 17 years old. Hello also from Hiba's friend Rokoya (who doesn't know English very well). Dear American Student, My name is Rasha. I'm 18 years old. I want to say that I love the world and I love peace. I don't want war. Why do you want to kill the smiles on our faces? We want to learn and live in peace. I want to be a dentist, so how could I make that if the war happened? We are a peaceful people. We love peace. We love American people, so why do you want to kill us? I pray for the God to avoid us the war, and I hope for whole the world the peace and love. I want to be friends and keep in touch with you. Let us spread love among us. With all the best, Rasha Ali Abdul-Raheem We are love the people U.S.A. We hope go to U.S.A to meet to people and explain my feeling to you. Our hobbies listening the music and swimming. We hope becoming engineers. We are 18 years old. Our names Mary and Daniah. Dear American Student, I am 17 years old. I want to tell you that everybody in Iraq love everybody in the world. Only my wish is to continue my studies. Yours, Meelad Dear pupils in U.S., I am Lubna Saad. I am seventeen years old. I am student in Al-Aadamya Secondary School for girls. I live near the school and I love watching TV, and specially the movies. I hope I will be a lawyer in the future and to travel to America and I want to told you something - when I get out my house in the night I saw the moon and I believe that all the people in the world would see it even in different times. So I wish that we all live in peace and visit each other. Thank you. Lubna Saad Dear American Student, My name is Duha. I'm 18 years old. I love people America. I don't want war. We want peace. I hope to live in peace. I'm very love pupil America and I want to see somebody and I want to say for somebody pupil America. I want to be in touch with you always. I hope to love for me so as you love me for love you. Duha Ali now, does anyone really feel that murdering tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of iraqis is going to make us safer? how safe do you feel now? thought so. this is a madness. posted by downtown | 3:41 AM |
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