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rock and roll means fuck "In the world which is upside down, the true is a moment of the false." |
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![]() Monday, June 30, 2003 a must read from alternet The mainstream press, after an astonishing two years of cowardice, is belatedly drawing attention to the unconscionable level of administrative deception. They seem surprised to find that when it comes to Iraq, the Bush administration isn't prone to the occasional lie of expediency but, in fact, almost never told the truth. the rest can be found here i so hate to be one of those i told ya so folks i do. but, there it is. an aside: isn't it funny that the first stirrings of concern in the mainstream american media over the administration's incontrovertible record of naked prevarication occurred within hours of the FCC vote on media deregulation? coincidence? maybe. maybe not.. i am of the opinion that they were quite conscious to deliver what the bushies wanted in lieu of the decision and when they got (however short lived that gift may turn out to be) they found something resembling guts for once. it only lasted about a week, but, come on. there was nothing before that. lovin': american analog set "continuous hit music" posted by downtown | 12:36 AM Friday, June 27, 2003 you just gotta love this coming from the man who just a few short months ago told us that "the freedoms we enjoy go way beyond what the constitution requires." what's scarier? the fact that this cretin sits upon the high court or that when asked about his judicial philosophy, dubya named scalia as his ideal? creepy as fuck. posted by downtown | 8:50 PM Thursday, June 26, 2003 so, as soon as i woke up this morning, i knew something wasn't right. first, my britches were awfully tight. turns out i had a michael savage the size of a valencia orange festering right on my otherwise blemishless bottom. after lancing the bastard, i had to go about the rest of my morning ablutions which include pinching a michael savage whilst reading the op/eds. (ick! pad thai last night. very savage-y.) to the shower (my pits were so michael savage.) where i slipped and bumped my head. fucking michael savage it hurt! then my breakfast was ruined when i poured some chunky milk on my froot loops. i looked at the date and, sure enough, it had micheal savaged. the stink was so bad that i had to run back to the loo to michael savage my guts out. it was then that i decided to return to bed for the rest of the day. the whole situation was just too micheal savage-y to endure. god bless neal pollack posted by downtown | 8:35 PM is it just me? or are some conservatives just freakin' nuts? i mean you've got these folks who are constantly screaming about "smaller government", "getting government off our backs", people who don't trust the government to deliver the freakin' mail, folks who procalaim that they just want to be left thew hell alone. these same folks apparently have no qualms whatsoever about allowing the state in to your bedroom. (or ceding to the state the right to kill people.) so, today is a fine, fine day. a great day for liberty far too long in coming. the supremes have (on this issue anyway) finally enetered the 21st century! predictably some of the more wingnutty homophobes are shrieking about divine retribution and a nation overrun with raging sodomites. woo hoo! i would like to see this day become some sort of national holiday. this day should be celebrated by taking the one you love in to the privacy of your own bedroom and loving them the way that you want to love them (or the way they want to be loved, should they differ) all damned day. this would be a holiday for absolutely freakin' everyone. (of legal age, mind you.) this holiday needs a name. any suggestions? the Nurse has christened it Gay Independence Day which it just may come to be known. sounds good to me. any other ideas? in related news, the ruling does make life far less dicey for george and tony posted by downtown | 7:48 PM Wednesday, June 25, 2003
![]() some more pure, unadulterated yum from the fine folks at a softer world summertime is cool. posted by downtown | 4:22 PM Tuesday, June 24, 2003 curiouser and curiouser.... The same flair for micromanaging and knowing what’s best for those in uniform is now being shared with the rest of us, here in Everytown, USA. His staffers have been phoning city officials, including some in Orange County, and strongly urging them to structure Fourth of July celebrations around the war in Iraq. "I got the impression that they had a list of every city in the nation that had applied for a pyrotechnics permit, and were calling them to persuade them to be part of the program," said one OC city official. the rest perhaps, rummy would like to sponsor a float recalling triumphs such as this or this if you are planning a fourth of july abroad, consider wearing one of these babies. thanks to nurse ratched for the link. oh! and les is now a suicide girl! go, les! posted by downtown | 7:58 PM Saturday, June 21, 2003 kittyboo and myself make an endorsement of sorts.... these are the kind of days where being a public employee ain't quite so bad. what with having every other friday off and such. so, me an' ol' kittyboo spent the day sunning ourselves under a cloudless SoCal sky and doin' some ponderin' about the state of the republic. it was an absolutely flawless day on the back porch. we listened to one of the great lazy summer day records of all time, the masters of the hemisphere's protest a dark anniversary had plenty of cold beverages and meow mix with seafood middles in abundance and a long hard look at the current sad state of the nation that we both fiercely love. first, some background. despite my current SoCal digs, these are the words of a boy from the deep south. bay county, florida to be exact. the redneck riviera, as they call it. there, in younger years, through a rather complex series of events, one that involves the longest relationship in my life and one that is probably best left for a later date to explain, i came to know Sen. Bob Graham and his family. i have had the good fortune to spend some time on numerous occassions with Senator Bob. i have had dinner with the man many times, both in a family's dining room and at swanky restaurants. i once watched the deciding game of the nba finals with him in the aforementioned girl's family living room whilst sharing leftover (from a fundraiser function) budweisers. i like the guy. there has been some talk about Sen Bob being nuts for keeping very detailed diaries. is it kinda kooky? you bet. is it loony kooky? hardly. i once had dinner with Sen Bob and his wife, adele, at a swanky joint in my hometown (well, as swanky as they get in my hometown.) and witnessed the following exchange with my own eyes and ears: Teacher From Some Reform School-Like Place In, I Think, Blountstown: "senator, you probably don't remember me. my name is .." Senator Bob : "mrs. ___. it's wondeful to see you again. how are things at your school in (blountstown?)?" (a note: the meeting between these two had taken place something like 10-12 years earlier during one of Sen Bob's work days when he was governor of our fair state.) Teacher: (obviously floored that he knew her name and who she was) "um, well, things are ok. it's been a long time since you were .." Sen Bob: "i remember you were having trouble with your roof and with your air conditioning. did that ever get fixed?" Teacher: "um, yes, about a week later. i.. uhh.." Sen Bob: "what ever happened to kevin, the kid who you were.." Teacher: "oh, ken! the one we talked about?" Sen Bob: "yes, ken. the one who........" it was amazing. the woman was just absolutely flabbergasted that he remembered her, her school and the student they had discussed. he then took out one of his infamous little pads and wrote down her name and address and i'm sure that within a week she received a letter from his office recounting their latest encounter. (i myself received many of these even though i know the man. his system ain't perfect.) is he nuts? no. he's a dork. he's nerdy. i can relate. i haven't been fortunate enough to meet any of the other declared candidates for president. but, i have met Senator Bob. i know him and, perhaps most importantly, i trust him. and though this may seem to be hardly good reasons from a strictly policy oriented point of view, for kittyboo and myself to endorse the man, we are going to do so for the following reasons: as much as kittyboo and i would love to elect the progressive, populist candidate of our dreams, (Dean, Kucinich, et al) we are most concerned with defeating the lying, murderous bastard that currently occupies the office. we'd love to have someone who is going to is going to give us universal, single payer health care, who would roll back all of the PATRIOT act, who would nominate Noam Chomsky to the supreme court, who would halt the rape of our air, water and soil by raging greedheads, who wouldn't just flat out bullshit us (imagine that, folks.) and the rest of world daily so he can lavish riches upon the wealthy on the backs of the poor and middle classes. (and even those who aren't even born yet. there is a special place in hell for those that pretend to fight for the unborn while laying upon them mountains of debt so that rich folks can get richer today.) hell i would love to elect molly ivins or jim hightower president. i really would. but, here's my problem. there ain't a chance in hell that any of these folks can win. zero. nada. kittyboo and i have come to the conclusion that we really, honestly don't care who becomes the 44th president of these united states as long as the evil fucker known as the 43rd is defeated. we are of the opinion that the very future of this republic as we know it depends on kicking shrubya out on his ass. Sen. Bob can win this thing. he has executive experience as the governor of a major southern state, he has excellent foreign policy/national security credentials (in fact, i think that the fact that he has been on the senate intelligence committee for so long, helped prepare the still MIA report on 9/11 and, i think, has the goods on the bush administration's pretty obvious fuck ups regarding that event, is the reason that these stories about the diaries ("he might be crazy") are starting to surface. thanks, karl.) he can win. and though he isn't the candidate of our dreams, i and ms. kittyboo do hereby endorse Senator Bob Graham (D-FL) for President of The United States of America. posted by downtown | 1:45 AM Friday, June 20, 2003 christ... ... this can only get better. A top U.S. official said Friday Washington reserved the right to use military action to stop Iran making nuclear weapons, but Tehran accused the United States of waging a baseless propaganda war. the rest is available here. here we go... posted by downtown | 5:08 PM
![]() "the truth doesn't make a noise...." posted by downtown | 1:11 PM Wednesday, June 18, 2003
![]() it would be funnier if it weren't true. in a way i guess this is the logical outcome of the problem addressed in the previous post. on a lighter note: more kittyboo haiku soon! posted by downtown | 8:21 PM Tuesday, June 17, 2003 "We are the best entertained least informed society in the world." Neil Postman how fucking sad.... posted by downtown | 10:31 PM Saturday, June 14, 2003 i am such a dork. i, though i am hardly alone, have been waiting for saturday the 14th of june for quite some time now. why, you ask? because saturday the 14th is the release date of... ...final cut pro 4! i have been making jokes (almost halfheartedly. almost.) about camping out in front of Mac HQ all night for about 2 weeks now. i can't recall ever being particularly excited about a software release ever. really. i am reminded of that old onion headline which stated "nation's whites eagerly await windows 95 release". but it's a pretty big deal. it's by far the most significant upgrade ever for this software and it's the software that i use to make a living. it is my livelihood. two months ago i went down to hollywood for the monthly meeting of the los angeles final cut pro users group where i ooohhed and awwwwed as two of the guys who built the software gave a demo of the new version. i was floored. they recieved a standing ovation from myself and the rest of the hopeless geeks. we bought the upgrade yesterday and will be able to pick it up tomorrow. i can't wait.... my momma done raised a geek. posted by downtown | 12:37 AM Friday, June 13, 2003
![]() i hate new blogger soooooo much. you don't know the crappy, crappy crap i had to go through to bring you this image. i just love this strip. it's called "a softer world". i think they are beautiful and funny. as much as new blogger has made me want to rip my damned hair out, i find reading these lovely panels makes me feel better. i suggest you take a look as well. really. posted by downtown | 2:38 PM new blogger sucks! resist! posted by downtown | 3:46 AM Saturday, June 07, 2003 this shit ain't goin' away. in john dean's words, if it turns out that the president led this nation to war under false pretenses, he's "cooked". i would have to agree. i really think this is it. the slimy fucker is going down and there isn't a goddmned thing he can do about it. there may be a god afterall.... posted by downtown | 9:37 PM Friday, June 06, 2003
this is pathetic. The Defense Intelligence Agency last fall could not pin down the location of any chemical weapons facilities in Iraq but had no doubt about the existence of programs designed to produce chemical and other weapons of mass destruction, the DIA's director said Friday. you can read the rest here the rats, they are beginning to scatter. if this whole situation weren't so goddamned awful, i would tell you that the next couple of weeks should be fun to watch. it'll be interesting nonetheless. these are evil motherfuckers..... posted by downtown | 9:58 PM
![]() June 6, 1944 an excerpt from living with the enemy the story of the german occupation of the channel islands, 1940-1945. "In Jersey, Guernsey and Sark people could hardly fail to realize that some gigantic military operation was afoot. All night long wave after wave of planes flew over the islands toward the French mainland. Peter Frampton (his real name, folks. -p) of Jersey was at a friend's hotel in Archirondel on the evening of June 5th. There was this big drone which came up to quite a crescendo as the planes came near. There must have been hundreds, probably thousands as well as gliders going over. Then the German ack-ack batteries all over the island opened up. They let rip with everything they had and the ground really shook. We thought - this is it. The battle of Normandy is about to begin." i just couldn't let this date pass without some sort of comment. i'm kooky like that. one more thing. can we all stop comparing those we don't like to hitler? really. was (is?) saddam hussein a bad guy? you bet. (he was our bad guy, but you know what i mean.) was he "the new hitler"? not even close. is george dubya a bad guy? absolutley. "hitleresque"? hardly. though they both have fascist tendencies and you would never want to have either one of these murderous pieces of shit to dinner, neither of them are in the same league as the mustachioed one from hell. are we all clear on that one now? posted by downtown | 1:55 PM isn't this just peachy? you've just got to love it when throngs of thugs appear in the streets wearing shirts declaring, "no to mass action". makes you feel good, doesn't it? anybody want to lay odds on how long (months? weeks?) before such apparel is hip to wear here? i'm serious. posted by downtown | 5:25 AM
![]() this one rules, too. in 4-6 business days it's going up in my office. woo-hoo! listenin': catherine irwin "the only hell my momma ever raised" feelin': rather invigorated "Nature always begins by resisting the artist, but he who really takes it seriously does not allow that resistance to put him off his stride; on the contrary, it is that much more of a stimulus to fight for victory." -- Vincent van Gogh posted by downtown | 2:57 AM
![]() this guy rocks. he's got a great book of reworked propaganda posters,"back the attack!" that amazon delivered to me today. i haven't been able to put it down. i also just ordered a couple of these posters become a weapon of mass dissent.... ...it's fun! posted by downtown | 2:38 AM Wednesday, June 04, 2003
![]() this is kittyboo she has written haiku for you! k-boo says to you if you dress me up like this i'll shit on your head thank you, kittyboo. thank you! posted by downtown | 2:15 PM Monday, June 02, 2003 this war has smelled bad for about a year or so before it ever happened. now the stink is almost unbearable. this whole murderous escapade was sold to the american people and to the world at large on a pack of outright lies. these stories aren't going away either. the US media can't ignore them much longer. both time and us news are starting to catch a whiff. even the damned aussies can smell this one. we impeached bill clinton for a hummer, kids. these lying, thieving, bloodletting bastards make me ill. it's enough (almost) to make ya wanna be canadian. posted by downtown | 7:17 PM |
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![]() Cost of the War in Iraq
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